Friday, April 10, 2009

MARCH 29, 2009 Prayer for sermon: "None So Blind"

Wondrous and eternal God we lift our voices in praise thankful always for your love and grace. We confess that most of the minutes of our day are filled with tasks to be done, errands to be run, taxiing kids here and transporting stuff. Like the disciples we get caught up with things to do, and places to go, and people to see and miles to go before we sleep. Yes, dearest Lord, we can get pretty frantic , minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day barely stopping to take a breather. Help us in the days ahead to take the time to just be in the company of a friend or loved one with no agenda or distractions just taking time to be with each other. Or instead of looking at the magazines while we wait in line at the grocery story, let us ponder thoughtfully how we might pray for, or remember or be in touch with a church member we have been missing. Help us to see those in need around us, and help us get out of ourselves for a moment. Let us experience the spirit renewing power that comes from loving another. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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