Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Prayer and Sermon for April 19, 2009 "Breathing Sessions"

Our Gracious Lord and Sovereign of the Universe, it is right and a good and joyful thing to give you thanks and praise on this glorious morning. Our Easter elation continues, as we experience a sense of rebirth and renewal through our remembrance and recollection of the resurrection event. Let us understand clearly, dearest Lord, that NOW we are called by the risen Christ to explore the ways we are to carry on his work; NOW is when we, like the disciples, are challenged to let go of notions of being ungifted, unworthy, or ill-equipped, to minister in Jesus’ name; NOW is the time for us to hear the whispers of the Christ encouraging us to let go of shyness, insecurity and fear; NOW is the time to accept his prodding and greet the stranger in our midst and NOW is the time to receive, to take a deep breath and believe. Amen.

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