Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prayer for "Top Dogging" Sermon March 1, 2009

Our Sovereign God, we enter these forty days of Lent with our eyes, our hearts and our minds open and ready to receive your word and will for us. We know that the 40 days which Jesus spent in the wilderness transformed him and prepared him for all that was to come. May these 40 days transform us. May they be our boot camp as we prepare and train, and re-discover our spiritual gifts and servant skills once again. When we are done we will be strong and able, fearless and unfaltering, ready and renewed followers of Jesus. Help us to remember that in community we are not alone, left to our own devices. With your help we shall support one another, lift each other up, and not tear each other down. Let our attitudes be governed by love not ego. Let our service be offered by faith not favor. Realizing that our lives are to be lived in response to your wondrous grace, dear Lord, we pray to be energized in our work celebrating every opportunity we are given to glorify your most holy name. These things we pray in the name of the one who loved us beyond measure, our savior, redeemer and friend, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

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