Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prayer for Sermon "How Did We Get Here?" February 22, 2009

Glorious God, your light shines around us with a brighter radiance when we are gathered together to give you thanks and to sing praises to your holy name. Admittedly, in these days, some of us feel as though we are climbing a huge mountain and we are tired and out of breath. It is an arduous climb, but we are hopeful that when we finally reach the summit we can stop for a rest, and drink in the sunshine of a new day. Remind us that we are walking in footprints left by the Christ who precedes us. Encourage our steps and steady our nerves. Let us realize, O Lord, at the end of a long day what contents us. Let us embrace it without hesitation. Whether that contentment is found in the faces of our children, our mates, our grandchildren, our dear friends or our pets let us relish the blessing of their presence in our lives. When we close our eyes to sleep, clear our cluttered minds, we pray. Let us be at peace in our dreams so we are made strong again for tomorrow. All this we ask in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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