Thursday, June 1, 2017


In the beginning, the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters,
and brought the world into being. That same Spirit breathes life into us.
The Spirit of God conceived a Messiah, the Son and beloved One.
Jesus, who we believe was God in human vesture,
showed us the true meaning of God’s steadfast love and mercy.
Throughout his life and ministry Jesus was led by the Spirit.
When he died on the cross for our sakes he commended his spirit into God’s hands,
and God raised him from the dead.
This Spirit of Pentecost is THE VOICE that speaks to us in our present, calling us,
as the enlightened body of Christ into our future.
The Spirit gives us the language of salvation, empowering us, like the first disciples, to tell
and re-tell the story of how God so loved the world in the person of Jesus.
The Spirit prods us to be at our spiciest when things look bleak,
to be the light in someone’s darkness, and to dance even when we are weary.
The Spirit urges us to be steadfast, resilient, witnesses
ever-eager to proclaim God’s grace, mercy, and love for all!
O, most astonishing, inspiring and ever-patient God, pour out your Holy Spirit upon us on this day of Pentecost. Today, we recall Jesus’ promise to his disciples fulfilled, an event that gave birth to the church, Christ’s body in the world. We confess our timidity when it comes to talking about how our faith works in our daily lives, and so we ask you, today, to instill in us the desire and daring to speak unabashedly about you, and your wondrous deeds. Teach us to chatter on and on about Jesus, not the shortcomings of our neighbors. Fill us with enthusiasm for our work as laborers in your vineyard. All this we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Doing a quick overview I learned that there are 383 verses on the bible containing the word fear. I encountered to words in Hebrew that are translated “fear”: Yâ-rê' and Yi-rah. Greek words translated as “fear” are: Pho-be-o, and Pho-bos, with a rare use of Dei-nos and Theo-se-bḗs. The definitions of the 4 commonly used Hebrew and Greek words, begin with: fear, terror, to take flight and to dread. But reading on through the choices we find the Hebrew and Greek words further defined as follows: to respect, revere, be amazed, venerate, to cause astonishment and awe. Our 21st century thinking, doesn’t immediately equate being afraid with being amazed, astonished or in awe of something, or someone, and one who makes us afraid does not necessarily command our respect. However, one who is amazing, astonishing, and inspiringly awesome as is our God, does command our respect, our reverence, and our veneration, inspiring us to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly in God’s presence.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all of efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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