Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 14, 2017 Good Friday "Voices for Good Friday" ON THE MARGINS

We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, the giver of life and breath.
We believe that nothing can separate us from the grace, love, and mercy of God
who never hesitates to forgive the repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture, who sought to love us into new life.
We believe he took our sin and regret upon himself carrying these to the cross, where he gave his own life our sakes.
This was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end and that he will come again one day to take us to himself.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks God’s truth to all people, in every language.
Listening to the Spirit our hearts are warmed and we become living proof of God’s
transforming presence.
We believe in the church, the body of Christ in the world.
As members of that body we are called to seek justice and reconciliation and to make a difference in this world.
Loving and Merciful God, we enter this sanctuary, a bit anxious and timid, to remember Jesus ordeal on the cross. We confess feeling undone by the scattering of his followers in the Garden of Gethsemane, and we wonder if we had been there, wouldn’t we have done the same. felt lost, bereft and ashamed, not knowing what to do or where to turn. We have been taught by the lamb to trust in you. We are humbled by his faith and will believe that, through it all, you did not abandon your child of promise, the beloved One. Our Abba, Father, in heaven, holy, holy, holy is your name. May your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as surely as it is in heaven. Give us this day the food we need. Forgive us our sins, empowering us, by your gracious forgiveness, to forgive those who have sinned against us. Guide us in right paths. Lead us away from temptation and keep us from evil, for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Matthew offers the only account of Judas Iscariot publicly repenting of his betrayal of Jesus. Unfortunately, Judas reports his regrets and his desire to give back the money he was paid, to those who have no interest in his repentant heart. In an effort to wash his hands of it all, he throws the thirty pieces of silver clattering onto the stone floor of the temple. The chief priests took the “blood money” and purchased the potter’s field, the place where clay was extracted from the ground for making pots. Not useful for farming or agriculture, it became a common grave for those people who existed on the margins of Judaism, who could not be buried in an orthodox cemetery. Those who are marginalized by our society have much to teach us. Our goal, as the body of Christ must be to include, in the life of the church, all the whom society has relegated to the margins.
Gracious God, we offer these gifts to your church with humble hearts. Pour out your blessing upon them. Make them a powerful witness to Christ’s love of all people in every corner of the world. Show us the better way to carry on the work of your Christ today to your honor and glory. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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