Tuesday, July 26, 2016

July 31, 2016 "YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU"

We believe in the one God, the creator of the universe, redeemer of humanity,
and bestower of grace, mercy and love.
We believe in Jesus Christ who came into the world that we might
see the face of God, in whose image we are created.
Bringing the Beloved One of God into our hearts, we are re-created,
and become new beings in his name.
We believe that Jesus holds all things together,
binding the hearts and minds of those whose faith is in him.
Jesus gave his life for ALL, and through his sacrifice we are reconnected with God.
We believe God raised Jesus from the dead.
We believe in the gift of the Holy Spirit, who walks with us through this earthly life
until the day when Jesus will present us holy, blameless, and irreproachable before God.
Steadfast in faith, we cling to the gospel hope, pleased to serve our Lord,
offering ourselves, our prayers, our gifts, and our witness for the sake of the gospel.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Our dearest ABBA, Father, we feel blessed to be in this sanctuary, joined together as a community of faith. We may have only just met each other for the first time today, but our faith in Jesus binds us together in perfect harmony. We are grateful to be empowered by your most Holy Spirit to manifest a spirit of welcome, embracing folks from all walks of life; all shapes, colors, sizes and opinions. That said, O Lord, we are not immune to the trauma and trouble that threatens the integrity of our nation and our world. We confess a desire to walk around wearing earplugs so we can’t hear the vitriol that echoes forth even from our own mouths. Help us cool our jets, O God, and stay the course, which, as disciples of Jesus Christ, must always be in the direction of your kingdom come upon the earth. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
In the play “You Can’t Take It With You,” Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman introduce a household of kooky characters who appear to live a totally chaotic existence in New York City in 1936 as they wish, dream, and take each day as it comes. The world outside is orderly, organized, straight-laced and uptight, filled with people making plans to enjoy life someday. When the play was written, this country was smack dab in the middle of the Great Depression when people were hungry—hungry for work, food, a roof over their heads, and hungry too, for a story about love, hope and enough, before money, power and privilege. The play is still relevant even 80 years later reminding us right now, right this minute, to treasure our life and the lives of those all around us. Because stuff is just stuff and you can’t take it with you.
Wondrous and Eternal God, pour out your blessing upon these gifts and promises. We offer them with full and grateful hearts. We trust that you will always guide us to use them wisely, and always for the greater good. Proclaiming our belief that all things are possible with you, we offer ourselves in service, seeking always, in the name of the Christ, to do your work and will. Amen.

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