Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 6, 2016 "WHO WILL SEARCH?"

We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, the giver of light, truth, life and breath.
We believe that nothing can separate us from the grace, love and mercy of God who
never hesitates to forgive the repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture, who desired to walk among us,
reaching out to love us into new life.
We believe that he took upon himself our sin and regret, carrying them to the cross, where he gave his own life for our sakes.
This was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that the Christ triumphed over death, and will come to us again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks a passionate truth to all people in every language.
Embracing the Holy Spirit, our hearts are warmed, and we become living proof of God’s
transforming presence.
We believe in the church, the body of Christ to which we belong,
and through which we are called to serve,
and to make a difference in God’s world.
Loving and Gracious God, as we continue on our Lenten journey let us not shy away from you when called upon to pray. Rather we pray that you will help us find that essential spiritual connection, which encourages and causes us to lift up our voice, with confidence. Lip service is not the way of prayer, and so we call upon you to cause us to breathe in that spirit, which will bring our soul’s sincere desire to the fore. Let us not be afraid to speak from the heart, our hope, our need and our grateful praise. The first disciples felt unprepared and overwhelmed by the looming mantle of leadership, but Jesus’ trust and their faith triumphed over their fear. Help us, like them, to triumph over our shyness and fear and go all in serving you in Jesus’ name. Amen.
A friend of mine once told me I was the type of consumer that retailers dream about. I believe if there existed a Consumer’s Hall of Fame, my photo would be hanging on the Wall of Dupes in the “Gullible Salon.” I confess to believing that when my wireless company assured me that I had not signed a 2 year contract, only a month to month deal they were telling me the truth. I also believed that the free tablet they gave me as a gift had no financial strings attached to it. Had I tried to read the fine print I would have been forced to stand even longer than the 3 hours I had already been standing in the store with no chairs. My dumb. In God’s covenants there is no fine print. Neither will you encounter any fine print when you covenant with this congregation. Our commitment is clearly stated on the front of our bulletin.
Wondrous and Eternal God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we bring. We offer them with full and grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us in our use of them. Proclaiming our belief that all things are possible with you, we offer ourselves in service, seeking always, in the name of the Christ, to do your work and will. Amen.

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