Tuesday, February 2, 2016

January 31, 2016 "CIRCUMSTANCES BEING THUS..."

We believe in God, the creator of all things, the giver of life and breath.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born Emmanuel, God with us, baptized and revealed the most beloved Son of God. He sought to heal humanity by taking our brokenness upon himself, suffering for us and ultimately dying for us.
God raised Jesus from the dead for our sake and for the sake of all the world.
We believe that he will come again.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, continually poured forth from the Creator
as refreshment for our souls.
The Spirit leads us into the new day, ever-birthing believers, and transforming the church, the body of Christ for the healing of the world.
This Spirit is our soul companion and counselor of truth reminding us of the gift of faith, the ever presence of God, and the promise of eternal life.
By faith in the promises we are reborn, refreshed and renewed.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
O, most merciful and patient God, we are reminded today how easily we can become set in our ways, comfortable with the status quo. As we grow up, mature and age collecting the bumps and bruises that come with life’s experiences we long embrace the familiar, and often wriggle away from ideas or individuals that challenge our thinking too radically. Then again, we must confess that we have decided to follow Jesus, and we realize that his words and ideas have both comforted and discomfited humankind for over two thousand years. When we find ourselves in resistance mode, afraid to say “Yes, Yes” to your challenge; help us turn our eyes upon Jesus. Cause us to look fully in his wonderful face. Let us see in his eyes the light of your unending grace and the assurance that all will be well. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
When this church was built in 1965 the ground upon which it was constructed was consecrated by Bishop Kennedy. In other words Bishop Kennedy called upon the presence and power of God to make the ground under our feet HOLY GROUND. To consecrate something, then is to make it holy. Today, on this final Sunday of our Gratitude Campaign we invite you, if you have not already done so, to make your pledge of support to the ministries of this church.
Now the word "pledge" carries an interesting history: As a verb it refers to a promise of something to someone. It refers also to a promise of faith, to be responsible for something or someone. It has the sense of making a solemn promise, standing surety for, and guaranteeing that promise. Did you know that to pledge one’s allegiance originally meant to make a vow attested to by drinking with another. Much later in the history of the word "pledge," taking the pledge, meant to abstain from drinking. When we pledge allegiance to our nation, we don’t lift our glasses and utter the pledge, we put our hand over our heart and repeat the pledge or salute if we are military. It is a solemn promise. No matter the contradictions in its references throughout history, what the church asks for in any Stewardship campaign such as this one, is your pledge of support, your solemn promise of support.
We are not consecrating the pledge card or the amount of you pledge. We are consecrating your promise and the promise and the promise of your leaders to be prudent with your pledged support.
This church currently boasts a membership of 238 individuals. Of those 238 individuals 106 pledged their support in writing in 2015. 81 members gave, but were not moved to pledge. Counted in the number of givers were those members who gave $1 to the church in 2015. And finally there were 49 members who did neither, that is, they neither pledged nor gave to support the ministries of the church.
I visited my lawyer the other day to prepare my living trust --my accountant has been bugging me for two years to get it done. The trust will determine how my assets will be divided up and parceled out when I am dead and gone. I designated the UMC PS as one of the beneficiaries and my lawyer asked who I would like to name as an alternate beneficiary if the church no longer existed when my assets were being distributed. I got a little testy when he said that, but said: "The Claremont School of Theology, then."
Today we consecrate and make holy your pledge, your commitment to glorify God here, now, and in the future, by sustaining this church as a place of welcome for all who follow Jesus Christ, for all who seek him out, to love him, and embrace his commandments, working for the kingdom of God.
Consecration Prayer: Gracious God, pour out your blessings upon the promises we make and the promises we keep. Remind us of the many opportunities we have to respond to your love, mercy and goodwill with gratitude. Give us the courage to commit a portion of the many blessings you have given us to the building up of your kingdom upon the earth. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Wondrous and Eternal God, pour out your blessing upon the gifts we bring. We offer them with full and grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us in our use of them. Proclaiming our belief that all things are possible with you, we offer ourselves in service, seeking always, in the name of the Christ, to do your work and will. Amen.

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