Friday, September 4, 2015


We believe in one creative God righteous and patient, merciful and just.
We believe that God created all that is and all that lives.
God is perpetually creating.
We believe that God’s handiwork is well thought out, diverse, colorful, and inspiring.
We accept that God has entrusted the earth, and all that is in it, to our care.
We believe that Jesus was given unto the world in order that humankind could know the true heart of God.
Jesus’ life revealed God’s willing presence in our lives.
His death revealed God’s love, and his resurrection from the dead revealed God’s power.
We believe that God’s Holy Spirit came to us in the nick of time, while we held our breath,
wondering what to do next. Proof that God is perpetually creating, the Spirit whispers truth,
love and justice, showing us how to walk humbly with God.
We believe in the church.
It is the body of Christ called to continue his work in the world.
Like God’s creation, the church is a living organism, evolving,
responding and transforming itself when all of creation cries out for change.
Gracious and loving, our most patient God, we have come joyfully into your presence with thanksgiving and song. It is our delight to be in this sanctuary in the company of our brothers and sisters in Christ, energized by the spirit of inclusiveness that pervades this space. We confess our impatience with intolerance and ask to be made your confident, calming ambassadors in Christ trusting that our faith and our work will bring healing to a world in turmoil. May our efforts to minister in your name and the work we do in and for the church, and the world bring about transformation, fostering a sense unity, and all things possible in Christ Jesus in whose name we pray. Amen.
What does it mean to be a person at work? What do we work for, or towards in this life? Is it for a paycheck to support self and family. Do you work at whatever you work at it gives you a sense of accomplishment? Do you work because the work you do promises to make a difference and intends to help make the world a better place for all of humanity? Do you work for the fun of it? Do you work because working gives a reason to get up every day —working gives your life purpose? Do you work with an eye on future leisure. How many of us stop in the midst of our day and think about how the gifts God has given us empower all the work we do? Take a moment to be grateful and seek to fund the work of your church.
Gracious God, pour out your blessing on these gifts offered with open hearts and hands. Your Son promised that he would never drive anyone away who comes to him. We pray, that as the body of Christ in the world we, like Jesus, will never drive anyone away. May this church always be a place of sanctuary, exuding a spirit of welcome and acceptance. Show us the better way to care for the sheep of your pasture, helping as we are able to heal our broken world. We pray never to take the church for granted. Remind us that our gifts give life. To you, gracious God, we offer thanks and praise, in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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