Thursday, August 13, 2015

August 16, 2015 Sermon # 4 "ABOUT THE WORDS"

We believe that GOD the creator of the universe, our loving ABBA Father breathed life into us,
and we give thanks for GOD’S abundant and unfailing grace.
We believe that Jesus, though he was equal with GOD, emptied himself, for our sakes,
becoming one like us. Because Jesus first loved us, we carry him in our hearts,
and his name is ever on our lips.
When he was crucified, Jesus spoke words of forgiveness. GOD raised him from the dead
inviting everyone to accept the promise of eternal life in JESUS CHRIST.
Jesus promised that we would never be alone. We believe the HOLY SPIRIT is the companion he promised,
our counselor of truth, and advocate. We listen for the SPIRIT’S voice speaking the language of redemption to our souls.
As CHRIST’S body on earth, we gather spiritual strength from our worship of the ABBA Father, the Son, and The HOLY SPIRIT.
Refreshed and renewed we work out our salvation, side by side, united in heart, body and mind ministering to all the world.
Gracious and Loving LORD, we stand in awe of you and of your creation as we try to fathom the infinite nature of your universe. Even if we may have never heard the still small voice Elijah heard in the wilderness, the sights and sounds that surround us, speak to us clearly of your presence. These words are as vibrant and brilliant as they are peaceful and subdued. The mountains shout forth of your majesty; the rough places declare your complexity; the plains speak of your fairness, and the pastures whisper to us of your mercy and compassion for all. Revitalize us, and enliven our spirits with your words, as you spoke through your prophets and again in the life of Jesus Christ. Your wondrous words echo down through the centuries emanating from the hearts, minds and mouths of the faithful who worship you in Christ’s name. Amen.
Aloha in the Hawaiian language means affection, peace, compassion and mercy. Ke Akua means God. Because God is affection, peace, compassion and mercy, God is Aloha. On Friday March 13, 1959 Rev. Abraham Akaka wrote in his Hawaii Statehood Address: “We do not understand the meaning of Aloha until we realize its foundation in the power of God at work in the world. Since the coming of our missionaries in 1820, the name for God to our people has been Aloha. One of the first sentences I learned in my childhood was from Holy Scripture: "Aloha ke Akua" - in other words, "God is Aloha." Aloha is the power of God seeking to unite what is separated in the world - the power that unites heart with heart, soul with soul, life with life, culture with culture, race with race, nation with nation. Aloha is the power that can reunite us when quarrels separate us. Aloha can reunite us with ourselves when we have become separated from the image of God within.”
Gracious God, pour out your blessing on these gifts offered with open hearts and hands. Your Son promised would never drive anyone away who comes to him. We pray, that as the body of Christ in the world we, like Jesus, we will never drive anyone away. Let this church always be sanctuary for all, exuding a spirit of Aloha, welcome and acceptance. Show us the way to “feed your lambs, and tend and feed your sheep, helping as we are able to heal our broken world. We pray never to take our church family and church home for granted. Remind us that our gifts are life-giving. To you gracious God, we give thanks for all that you have given us. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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