Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 8, 2015 "TAKING IT ON THE ROAD"

Loving and Merciful God, pour out your spirit of assurance and calm upon our stressed and troubled hearts today. We are anxious about so many things over which we have no control and cannot change. Remind us that it is by Jesus’ own faith in you that we are saved. Gird us up when we are afraid. May we be endued with the same courage and trust that Jesus found in the quiet places of prayer. As he sought to discern your will and way for him each day, so too we shall turn to you. We confess that we turn to you in desperate times as we wait impatiently for you to intervene on our behalf or that of a loved one. Help us so to love you that we willingly open ourselves, revealing the center of our souls, to be cleansed, healed and renewed in the name of the Christ. Amen.
It seems like just about everyone wants our money; the unscrupulous people most of all. How many $29.95 a month life insurance policies does one really need? I knew an accountant who said: “Sign up for every credit card you are offered; you never know when you will need to use them.” Now warranties are in fashion. Last year I started receiving letters from my utility companies urging me to buy the warranty they were offering, just in case something goes wrong with the water or gas line to my house. They tell me it’s a bargain at only 6 dollars tacked onto my monthly bill. Some days I wish I was smarter about such things. I actually believed the urgent notice from “some company” that my automobile warranty was running out and if I acted now I could extend that warranty until 2016 for $178.00 a month. I have no worries or doubts about my tithe to the church, perhaps because there is no fine print on the pledge card.
Gracious God, we offer these gifts of thanksgiving and praise understanding that they are instruments of goodwill. Let these gifts proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard it , whether in word or deed. As we labor side by side we offer our hearts and our hands to lead the lost out of darkness, to touch the untouchable and to heal those wounded by the world. Empower us to build ministries that transform and restore the souls of your people giving glory to Christ’s name in everything. Amen.

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