Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Wondrous and Loving God, we come before you this day offering our thanks for your persistent pursuit of the human heart, and your determination to lead us in lives full of grace and hope. We confess that, when we are out there in the world, it’s easy to lose touch with your ever-presence. When we are bogged down by anxiety over deadlines, or the expectations we place upon ourselves and others, let us rest in you and calm our jangled nerves. You will see us through. Only you are truly wise, O Lord. We know, all too well that the busy-ness of the approaching holidays can overwhelm us like a tsunami. Lead us not to run over each other planning, doing, buying, baking and wrapping in the days ahead. Rather, lead us in humming along with the music in the stores, cheering our hearts as we remember the gift that is coming to all of humankind. In his name we pray. Amen.
How many of you have ever been in the company of royalty, Kings, Queens, Emperors, Princes, Princesses or members of the Peerage of Great Britain. It’s true some of our elected officials are considered royalty of a sort. I mean, if you shook hands with POTUS, depending upon who he or she was at the time, you might consider never washing your hand again, for fear of erasing any trace of that special electricity. It’s all chemistry and nerves, adrenaline-induced-awe. If any of us shook hands with the celebrity giants of our era we would come away with sweaty palms, or feeling faint. Being in the presence of the specially gifted and blessed, the chosen people, fills us with powerful emotions. Now I don’t want you to get a swelled head, but the next time you look in the mirror, I invite you to see the face of one who has been pursued, chosen and embraced by God! The offering YOU make to the church is a gift from a specially blessed hand.
Gracious God, these gifts are an act of worship as important as praying, singing and attending to your word. Ever seeking to discern your will and way for us, our hearts are full as we labor side by side with our brother and sister Christians. As you have entrusted us with much, we respond in kind, lending our hearts and hands to heal a broken and hurting world. Help us build ministries that glorify your name, empowering us to serve wholeheartedly in Christ’s name. Amen.

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