Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Dearest “ I AM,” most gracious and loving Lord, you have given us the gift of your presence through the eons. You have invited us to partake of your mercy and forgiveness offering these to people from all walks of life; to the righteous and the unrighteous, to the successful and the faltering, to the bereft and those who lack for nothing. We confess that we have fallen short of your glory, visiting our criticism, or impatience upon one another. But we relish those warmed-heart moments that come to us when we discover the lengths to which you have gone to prove your love for us and be part of our lives. Jesus sought to show us how to love by his example and we pray everyday that you will empower us, as his followers, to inspire others by our example. Give us the will and means to serve one another patiently anticipating the coming of your kingdom upon the earth. In the name of the beloved, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
A few years ago I began renaming this part of the worship service calling it Preparing for the offering. I decided to use the present participle of “prepare” as an invitation for you to take these few moments to rummage through your pockets, purses or wallets to locate whatever gift you were preparing to place in the offering plate when it passes through your hands — in another moment or two. I know there are those of you who are eternally unprepared for this point in the service and there are those who don’t really have a clue about offerings and the whole plate-passing business. The uninformed will figure it out eventually —we need your offering not only to help others but to pay the bills. I am only thankful that I have never, yet, seen anyone caught so unawares that they pull away throwing their hands up in the air to avoid touching the money plate as it goes by. And too, though I have heard people joke about it, I have never seen anyone trying to make change. I hope these few words have given you the time you needed to prepare for the offering.
Gracious God, grateful for the day of resurrection, we continue in this Eastertide to rejoice in your promise fulfilled. There is no clearer message of goodwill — no more graphic demonstration of your love — no greater assurance of your hope for humanity, than the resurrection of your Christ. May our tithes and offerings, succeed in bringing the message of your love and goodwill to those who have never known it. In the name of the risen Christ we pray. Amen.

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