Friday, March 21, 2014


We believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, granter of grace and life.
We believe that nothing in all the world, can separate us from the love of God
who always forgives a repentant heart.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God in human vesture, who came to love us into new life.
We believe that Jesus took our sins upon himself and carried them to the cross where he
relinquished his own spirit for our sakes. This was his ultimate gift to us.
We believe that his death was not the end, for he was raised and will come again one day.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who speaks a fiery, passionate truth to all people, in every
language. Our hearts are warmed when we embrace that Spirit and we become
living proof of God’s transforming presence.
As the body of Christ in the world we believe we are called
to make a difference in this world.
Gracious and Everliving God, we give you thanks for this new day all dressed up with a blue sky and sunshine. Remind us, Lord, that each day brings us a new occasion and a new opportunity to wrap ourselves in the knowledge and wonder of your grace, mercy and love. We confess that sometimes we seem to move through life so fast, that we can take the day for granted. Help us, during this season of Lent, to cultivate a habit of gratefulness whether we give thanks over our morning cup of coffee or tea, during our lunch break, or when we sit down to dinner. We pray to be mindful of your presence with us, even when we aren’t sure of our future, or what lies ahead along the path of discipleship. Make our spirits strong and our hearts faithful that we may not give in to doubt or despair. As the Children of Light you give us the opportunity to be born a new every morning. In the name of the Christ we say thank you. Amen.
Wondrous and Loving God, when we count our blessings we recognize our good fortune and remember that we live in the world as members of the whole human family. We pray that you will multiply and bless the gifts we offer to minister to our brothers and sisters who don’t have food to eat, clean water to drink or a safe place to sleep. May these gifts reach out to hearts and spirits that are broken and bring them to your Grace. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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