Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 13, 2013 "THIRTY SOMETHING"

We believe in God, the creator of all things, the giver of life and breath.
We believe in Jesus Christ, born Emmanuel, God with us, baptized and revealed the most beloved Son of God; he sought to heal humanity by taking our brokenness upon himself, suffering for us, dying for us and being raised from the dead for our sake and for the sake of all the world. We believe that he will come again.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, continually poured out refreshing our lives, leading us into a new day, ever-birthing the church, the body of Christ in the world. This Spirit is our soul companion and counselor of truth reminding us of the gift of faith, the ever presence of God and the promise of eternal life. Thanks be to God! Amen.
written by: Amanda J. Burr
Glorious and Ever-creating God, you are not only the author of all life, the grand designer of the universe, but you are the also the engineer of new beginnings. Help us to understand that in every moment of our existence you grant us opportunities to open ourselves to new ways of thinking, to new ways of experiencing the world around us. Each of us has strengths and weaknesses. Each of us has gifts and graces. We confess our hesitation to try new things, to sport a new attitude, afraid that someone might look askance at the change. Today is the day we commemorate the change that occurred in the life of Jesus. On this, his baptismal day, his very life took on a new direction and he stepped into your will for him. Lead us in your will and way for us, as we step into our future as well; in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

The etymology of the verb submit in its intransitive form means to place under the control of another. Coming from the combination of the Latin “sub” = under and “mitere” = let go or send, submit means to yield, to lower, to let down, to put under, to reduce. As a transitive verb it proposes, puts something forward for consideration, argues that something is the case. Much in the same way Jesus submitted himself to be baptized on this day, we submit our hearts to God’s grace, our minds, hands and feet to ministry in Jesus’ name and our dollars and cents to the edification of Christ’s church.

Lord, Bless the gifts we humbly set before you. We seek to serve you in all our work, at all times, in all places as often as ever we can. May the work of our hands, the prayers of our hearts, and the gifts we offer, in the name of the Christ ,glorify you and your church. Breathe your renewing Spirit into us. Make us living proof of your graciousness and love for all the world. Amen.

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