Monday, December 3, 2012

December 2, 2012 "THE SOREST TROUBLE" Job 4:1-6

Prepare our hearts, Lord, for the coming of your kingdom upon the earth. Let us not be idle, or bored with waiting, drumming our fingers on the altar, waiting; fixing our eyes on the lone flickering candle that longs to tell us something is coming, waiting; our minds anxious about there being only 22 more days to shop, decorate the house and put up the lights, waiting; our spirits impatient with already knowing what to expect. Lend us your memory, O God that we can know how you desired to be in covenant with us, so much so that you made a radical new decision. Remind us, merciful God, that what we are waiting for in the uncertain times of every age, is your purpose revealed. We pray that you will find us alert and watching for the coming of your Son, today and all of the days of this Advent Season. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
How can we possibly move our minds away from the shopping season to the Advent season? The onslaught of glitz, glitter and jingle focuses our attention on goods and goodies to be consumed. My brother does Christmas because its tradition; he no more in tune with the reason for the season than the man in the moon. One thing I do applaud him for — he waits until the very last minute of December 24th to buy gifts. If stores were open on the 25th, he’d wait until then. That is as it should be.
Lord, Bless the gifts we set before you. We offer them with a spirit of hopefulness knowing that with your blessing, they have the power to advance the message of the gospel, breathe new life into the work and ministries of your church, and, in turn, help those in need. Empower your church, to be the living proof of your graciousness and love for all the world. Amen.

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