Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 16, 2011 "THE POWER OF YES"

Wondrous and Ever loving God, in this season of Epiphany, we are tuned in to all the ways you are and have been revealed to us. We are aware in the seeming coincidences of our everyday lives, that your Spirit is present there. You are present in the gestures of kindness and concern expressed by our family of faith. You are present in the smiles and delightful giggles of the baby who reaches out to be held in our arms. You are present in the moments of inspiration that brighten our conversation as we talk together, and read about Jesus. You are present with us as we ponder the significance of the scriptures for our daily lives. You are present in the smiles and embraces that welcome us into your presence, here, in this place. Bless us, O Lord with courage to stand for the rights of all humanity. Bless us with patience to listen and understand the needs of each person we meet. Give us the wit, wisdom and energy to be a vital, spiritual presence for ALL in this ever emerging and colorful world. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

Gracious God, we have come into this holy place, that we may be more aware of your presence with us than we are Monday through Friday. It is this Sabbath day that calls us to attend most diligently to your will and way for us, to the challenges that face us as disciples of Jesus. Because you first loved us we are compelled to say thank you. We are glad to present these offerings today, gifts from our grateful hearts. Our prayer is that they will keep open the way for many to know your love, to embrace your mercy and to be encouraged by your Holy Spirit. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.

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