Thursday, November 12, 2009

Prayer for the Sermon October 25, 2009 "Building Our Spiritual House"

Gracious and Ever Creating God, our hearts are open to you, and our spirits are in readiness to discern your will for us. Today we remember the challenge mounted by one of our legendary forefathers Martin Luther. His launching of one of the first “Rethink Church” campaigns, in 1517, reminds us that church is more than a building that folks visit on Sunday morning. Your servant proclaimed in the darkness that church isn’t something that is supposed to be done to us. Church is what happens when Your divine creative imagination mixes gently and gradually with our human thoughts and ideas. In the moment of connection we are like molecules that are heated by a flame. Your patience, mercy and steadfast love stir us, prod us and pull us, until we find ourselves dancing with you. It is a dance of joy, compassion, giving, caring, self-discovery and purpose. Because you, O God are the Divine Dancer and our most gracious partner, we need never feel like spiritual wall-flowers sitting in the darkness always waiting for an invitation. Your leading embrace is always open, always inviting all people to step out and be church. We give you thanks in the name of the Christ. Amen.

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