We believe in God the creator of the universe, and loving Abba Father who breathed life into us and gave the earth into our care.
We believe that Jesus is the incarnate word of God, messiah and man,
who lived and died for our sakes.
When Jesus was crucified, he spoke words of forgiveness just before his death.
God raised him from the dead as promised calling all who follow to believe in the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus first loved us, we carry him in our hearts, and his name is ever on our lips.
This loving savior promised we would not be left orphaned and alone. We receive the Holy Spirit as the companion he promised, our counselor of truth, and advocate.
We believe that the Spirit speaks the language of redemption to our souls.
As the church, Christ’s body on earth, we gather spiritual strength from our unfettered worship of the Abba Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit.
Refreshed and renewed we work out our salvation, side by side, united in heart, body and mind ministering in Jesus’ name to all the world.
Gracious God, thank you for the blessings of this day. Open our eyes to all that is good and help us to be believe that we are a part of it. We must confess how often wonder why you don’t just fix all that is wrong with the world, or fix us at the very least. Too often we think of you as a wish granter, and that if we just pray hard enough and often enough all our wishes will come true. We know in our heart of hearts that you are not a wizard inclined toward magic. Help us to courageously claim our faith and not discount it as weak. May we trust you always and be patient, recognizing the faith you have in us. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
I like researching the origins of words and idioms. For example where did the expression “don’t beat around the bush” come from? It is said that wild boars liked to hide out in bushes and hunters would order their slaves to go directly into the bushes to flush out their prey. The slaves, not wanting to be impaled on the boars tusks, decided to beat around the bush to get the boar to show himself. There are a few stories about the saying: “put your best foot forward.” The word, best is the superlative of the word good and suggests that a count of three, is necessary for a “best” designation. Being bipeds, putting our better foot forward is more correct. In the 1800s when men were very vain, it was said that one calf was often larger than the other, so it was better to lead with the better (more attractive) looking calf when one was making a grand entrance. In those days “putting one’s best foot forward” was a fashion statement. Today it just means to do the best you can. Please do the best you can for the church as the ushers receive the offering.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
This blog posts Dr. Burr's original affirmations of faith, prayers, sermon videos and occasional newsletter articles.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
July 16,2017 "LIFE ON GOD'S TERMS"
We believe in God the creator of the universe, and loving Abba Father who breathed life into us and gave the earth into our care.
We believe that Jesus is the incarnate word of God, messiah and man,
who lived and died for our sakes.
When Jesus was crucified, he spoke words of forgiveness just before his death.
God raised him from the dead as promised calling all who follow to believe in the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus first loved us, we carry him in our hearts, and his name is ever on our lips.
This loving savior promised we would not be left orphaned and alone. We receive the Holy Spirit as the companion he promised, our counselor of truth, and advocate.
We believe that the Spirit speaks the language of redemption to our souls.
As the church, Christ’s body on earth, we gather spiritual strength from our unfettered worship of the Abba Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit.
Refreshed and renewed we work out our salvation, side by side, united in heart, body and mind ministering in Jesus’ name to all the world.
Wondrous and loving God, as we lift our voices in unison to pray we are aware that we are many voices speaking as one. The love we share for your son Jesus Christ binds us in heart, body, and mind and our spirits are raised up and renewed. Even as the summer heat bears down upon us, help us stay focused on our ministries, for we serve those who are in greater need than we. When our day feels fraught with frustrations, help us to refocus our thoughts, to let go of the things we cannot control and empty ourselves of ego. May your Holy Spirit, forever fill the places we have emptied within and teach us to live life on your terms. We confess that our pride, our stalwart independence, and our determination to fix, mend and solve our own problems. All too often we react and realize too late our mistake. In such moments of tension and impatience gently remind us to turn our eyes upon you and take a breath. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Terms and Conditions are general and special arrangements, provisions, requirements, rules, guidelines, specifications, and standards that form an integral part of an agreement or contract. You, the user, must agree to them in order to use a product, or application. Terms and conditions act as a legal contract between product owner and user. They are part and parcel of everything we do, or purchase whether we are getting a loan, leasing a car, applying for a credit card, joining a gym or downloading an “app.” We must agree to pages and pages of terms and conditions—which most only glance over— before we can use the product. Folks who join churches agree to participate by their prayers, presence, gifts, service and their witness, in the “work” of the church. These are not terms and conditions. You can use the product sans agreement for as long as it lasts.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
We believe in God the creator of the universe, and loving Abba Father who breathed life into us and gave the earth into our care.
We believe that Jesus is the incarnate word of God, messiah and man,
who lived and died for our sakes.
When Jesus was crucified, he spoke words of forgiveness just before his death.
God raised him from the dead as promised calling all who follow to believe in the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus first loved us, we carry him in our hearts, and his name is ever on our lips.
This loving savior promised we would not be left orphaned and alone. We receive the Holy Spirit as the companion he promised, our counselor of truth, and advocate.
We believe that the Spirit speaks the language of redemption to our souls.
As the church, Christ’s body on earth, we gather spiritual strength from our unfettered worship of the Abba Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit.
Refreshed and renewed we work out our salvation, side by side, united in heart, body and mind ministering in Jesus’ name to all the world.
Wondrous and loving God, as we lift our voices in unison to pray we are aware that we are many voices speaking as one. The love we share for your son Jesus Christ binds us in heart, body, and mind and our spirits are raised up and renewed. Even as the summer heat bears down upon us, help us stay focused on our ministries, for we serve those who are in greater need than we. When our day feels fraught with frustrations, help us to refocus our thoughts, to let go of the things we cannot control and empty ourselves of ego. May your Holy Spirit, forever fill the places we have emptied within and teach us to live life on your terms. We confess that our pride, our stalwart independence, and our determination to fix, mend and solve our own problems. All too often we react and realize too late our mistake. In such moments of tension and impatience gently remind us to turn our eyes upon you and take a breath. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Terms and Conditions are general and special arrangements, provisions, requirements, rules, guidelines, specifications, and standards that form an integral part of an agreement or contract. You, the user, must agree to them in order to use a product, or application. Terms and conditions act as a legal contract between product owner and user. They are part and parcel of everything we do, or purchase whether we are getting a loan, leasing a car, applying for a credit card, joining a gym or downloading an “app.” We must agree to pages and pages of terms and conditions—which most only glance over— before we can use the product. Folks who join churches agree to participate by their prayers, presence, gifts, service and their witness, in the “work” of the church. These are not terms and conditions. You can use the product sans agreement for as long as it lasts.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
We believe in God the creator of the universe, and loving Abba Father who breathed life into us and gave the earth into our care.
We believe that Jesus is the incarnate word of God, messiah and man,
who lived and died for our sakes.
When Jesus was crucified, he spoke words of forgiveness just before his death.
God raised him from the dead as promised calling all who follow to believe in the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus first loved us, we carry him in our hearts, and his name is ever on our lips.
This loving savior promised we would not be left orphaned and alone. We receive the Holy Spirit as the companion he promised, our counselor of truth, and advocate.
We believe that the Spirit speaks the language of redemption to our souls.
As the church, Christ’s body on earth, we gather spiritual strength from our unfettered worship of the Abba Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit.
Refreshed and renewed we work out our salvation, side by side, united in heart, body and mind ministering in Jesus’ name to all the world.
O Most loving and gracious God, it is always a good and joyful thing to be able to worship you in the company of those who are clothed in Christ. We confess moments and days when the world attempts to strip us of this gracious gift, reminding us of our flaws, foibles and fears. All too often we can be convinced that the weight of the world rests upon our shoulders and ours alone. We are never quite sure if it is stubborn pride, or shame that keeps from asking for the help we need, whether from you or the brothers and sisters in Christ all around us. Our greatest wish and most fervent prayer is never to be separated from you. Our savior sought to help us understand that true repentance merits and receives forgiveness. Let us not be haunted by the mistakes of our past, rather plant within us the courage to take our forgiveness and move on. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Last Sunday morning, as I was backing out of my driveway, about to head East on Tachevah, I noticed the road up ahead was blocked with police cars. I turned around and came to church by another way. It wasn’t until the following day that I learned there had been a shooting death not a quarter mile from my house. The victim and the three suspects were all high school age children. In the 10 years I have lived in my neighborhood I have been aware of two murders. Many of you know, I don’t watch the television news, not because I wish to be ignorant or live in denial; the fact is I don’t consider what is called “the news” worthy of my time, energy or angst. I don’t want to wonder or worry about evil lurking around every corner. I don’t want to be afraid to walk about in this world. It is a waste of my brain cells. I would rather challenge us to build a church that empowers the unenlightened to hang up on the call of evil, and listen at long-last for the call of grace.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
We believe in God the creator of the universe, and loving Abba Father who breathed life into us and gave the earth into our care.
We believe that Jesus is the incarnate word of God, messiah and man,
who lived and died for our sakes.
When Jesus was crucified, he spoke words of forgiveness just before his death.
God raised him from the dead as promised calling all who follow to believe in the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus first loved us, we carry him in our hearts, and his name is ever on our lips.
This loving savior promised we would not be left orphaned and alone. We receive the Holy Spirit as the companion he promised, our counselor of truth, and advocate.
We believe that the Spirit speaks the language of redemption to our souls.
As the church, Christ’s body on earth, we gather spiritual strength from our unfettered worship of the Abba Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit.
Refreshed and renewed we work out our salvation, side by side, united in heart, body and mind ministering in Jesus’ name to all the world.
O Most loving and gracious God, it is always a good and joyful thing to be able to worship you in the company of those who are clothed in Christ. We confess moments and days when the world attempts to strip us of this gracious gift, reminding us of our flaws, foibles and fears. All too often we can be convinced that the weight of the world rests upon our shoulders and ours alone. We are never quite sure if it is stubborn pride, or shame that keeps from asking for the help we need, whether from you or the brothers and sisters in Christ all around us. Our greatest wish and most fervent prayer is never to be separated from you. Our savior sought to help us understand that true repentance merits and receives forgiveness. Let us not be haunted by the mistakes of our past, rather plant within us the courage to take our forgiveness and move on. All this we pray in the name of the Christ. Amen.
Last Sunday morning, as I was backing out of my driveway, about to head East on Tachevah, I noticed the road up ahead was blocked with police cars. I turned around and came to church by another way. It wasn’t until the following day that I learned there had been a shooting death not a quarter mile from my house. The victim and the three suspects were all high school age children. In the 10 years I have lived in my neighborhood I have been aware of two murders. Many of you know, I don’t watch the television news, not because I wish to be ignorant or live in denial; the fact is I don’t consider what is called “the news” worthy of my time, energy or angst. I don’t want to wonder or worry about evil lurking around every corner. I don’t want to be afraid to walk about in this world. It is a waste of my brain cells. I would rather challenge us to build a church that empowers the unenlightened to hang up on the call of evil, and listen at long-last for the call of grace.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
July 2, 2017 "DOMINION"

We believe in God the creator of the universe, and loving Abba Father who breathed life into us and gave the earth into our care.
We believe that Jesus is the incarnate word of God, messiah and man,
who lived and died for our sakes.
When Jesus was crucified, he spoke words of forgiveness just before his death.
God raised him from the dead as promised calling all who follow to believe in the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus first loved us, we carry him in our hearts, and his name is ever on our lips.
This loving savior promised we would not be left orphaned and alone. We receive the Holy Spirit as the companion he promised, our counselor of truth, and advocate.
We believe that the Spirit speaks the language of redemption to our souls.
As the church, Christ’s body on earth, we gather spiritual strength from our unfettered worship of the Abba Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit.
Refreshed and renewed we work out our salvation, side by side, united in heart, body and mind ministering in Jesus’ name to all the world.
Loving and Merciful God, this week people from all nations and all walks of life who live in these United States will celebrate the historical date which marks our independence as a nation. How many of those who celebrate, will offer a prayer for those who sacrificed everything to make the day possible. Many nations celebrate similar dates, marking their freedom from long distance rule by monarchs, or dictators. As many individuals swell with Red White and Blue pride on Tuesday, remind us that all freedom comes at a cost whether, national, physical, emotional or even spiritual freedom. Men and women from all walks of life died in the Revolutionary War fighting for the freedom so many of us take for granted today. Because we do not hesitate to remember that Jesus died to give us spiritual independence from sin and death, we will take time to ponder the true meaning of freedom on this July 4th. We give you thanks and praise in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
What follows are a few fun facts about American coins. The penny weighs 2.5 grams, the nickel 5 grams, the dime 2.268 grams, the quarter 5.67 grams, the half-dollar 11.34 grams, the Liberty silver dollar 22.68 grams, the Susan B. Anthony dollar 8.10 grams, and the Sacajawea dollar 8.10 grams. Every coin is minted to an exact weight: one dollar in dimes weighs 22.68 grams; one dollar in quarters weighs 22.68 grams and 2 half-dollars weigh 22.68 grams. One dollar in nickels weighs 100 grams and in pennies 200 grams. This may serve to explain why coins add so much weight to your coin purse or wear holes in your pocket. If you are feeling the weight of your coins and want to be free of them, the church can find a good use for them.
Wondrous and Eternal God, bless these tithes and offerings. We offer them with grateful hearts, trusting that you will guide us to use them wisely, for the edification of Christ’s church and the good of humanity. Jesus taught us that all things are possible with you. May all our work and all our efforts serve your will. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen.
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